Custom Research Projects For Defense Clients Since 1999




Custom Defense Market Research-New, Future Products and Markets
Defense Market Research-Custom Client Project Examples

Tactical Military Communications​-New Growth Research
Defense contractor needed custom research, strategy guidance across changing tactical communications landscape. Assignment analyzed evolving requirements for higher-data rate, enhanced battlefield situational awareness, related mission enhancements. Research reviewed existing programs of record, changing requirements, securing detailed insights directly from key program managers, other SMEs on current solutions, unmet needs, subjects of critical interest for client new product design, pursuit planning, investments.​

Private Security Guards-DoD, Contractor Facilities Opportunity Assessment
Global security services firm seeking growth in Facility Support, Security Guard Patrol, Fire Protection Services at U.S. military bases, defense contractor facilities. Key deliverables included total addressable market size (annual spend, billed hours, FOCI issues, set-a-sides small business categories, expiration dates of contracts, average billing rate/wage rates. Direct feedback from SMEs at multiple bases in this research enabled company to make critical decisions on contract pursuits, staffing investments, resource deployment. Research also enabled U.S. client team to demonstrate attractiveness of opportunity to its European parent, secure corporate investment.

Portable Power Solutions-Military Devices, Platforms​-New Product Concepts
Custom power provider (soldier radios, mobile devices) seeking to identify high-growth pursuits (special ops, related missions). Custom research analyzed: missiles, targets, portable land sensors, ruggedized mobile computers, UAVs, vehicle subsystems relevant to company unique capabilities. Direct research with key OEMs, program offices, other SMEs secured on unmet needs, changing requirements, competition, new technologies also enabled company to better define product, program focus, accelerate revenues.

Military Training-Virtual Solutions-Market and Sales Strategy Research
Military contractor required independent, future business assessment on potential for new virtual training solutions for combat vehicles, aircraft, test ranges, mission rehearsal, logistics, other applications. Key training command opportunities were evolving at PEO STRI, RDECOM, USSOCOM for Platforms, Tool and Content Development, Computer Hardware and Accessories, Third Party Developers, Mobile Device Manufacturers, Wireless Carriers-Voice and Data Services, Software Makers, Internet Companies, and Systems Integrators. Custom research involved extensive SME, key decision maker outreach, detailed analysis of current and future opportunities, specific segments in this fast-changing value chain, defining areas company should emphasize dominance, potential acquisition candidates, competitive strategies, detailed recommendations for new growth.​

Government Technical Support Services-Cross-SBU Growth Opportunity ​Research
Systems engineering, integration, professional services company seeking to better organize and align diverse, fragmented, overlapping business units to changing defense, security, related government program opportunities. Client business units traditionally operated in niche, localized areas, staying abreast of known recompetes and logical opportunities for migration, but lacking cross-SBU leverage. Client primary goal was to strengthen program participation, identify and pursue strategic positions to leverage multiple business unit content, evolve to a higher-level solution provider. Assignment involved extensive SME, key decision maker outreach, identified, calculated, described major growth-opportunity areas, coordinating directly with individual business units as appropriate. Calculations included both addressable as well as available market potential.​

PNT (Positioning Navigation, Timing) Solutions​-New Product Opportunity Research
Company with unique signal efficiency, size, weight, power capability for PNT required independent assessment of market opportunity. GPS improvement is a top priority for defense mission, tactical planning (weapon employment, communication, assured command, control). Project assessed PNT opportunity landscape, current suppliers, emerging technologies, future programs. Extensive research with key SMEs to supplement data, future requirements. ​

Military Aircraft Upgrade, Retrofit Candidates-Key Sales Target Research
Supplier fuel management, landing controls, proximity sensors, HUMS for transport, fighter, rotary seeking new opportunities to retrofit legacy aircraft. Research involved extensive SME, key decision maker outreach, key contacts at Logistic Centers, Maintenance Depots, Prime Contractors (Hill AFB, Naval Air commands, OCALC Tinker, integrators (Lockheed, others, defining incumbent suppliers, alt. source opportunity, unmet needs, problems, timing, selection process, interest level, other contacts to engage. Independently qualified multiple opportunities new to client sales team, recommendations leading to incremental, accelerated capture of 25 new opportunities. ​

Drone Detection, Counter UAS System-New Concept Market Potential Research
Company with unique drone technology (identify, auto detect) required custom guidance on opportunity amidst rapidly evolving regulations. Assignment provided extensive, in-depth update from 25+ top SMEs on future requirements, design features, competitive landscape, near-term opportunities, strategy direction critical to client planning.

Advanced Ice Management System-Military Rotary-Fixed Wing Market Strategy
Provider of flight critical, electro-mechanical solutions was developing system for new, more fuel efficient, lower emission future Navy, Air Force rotary, fixed wing designs. Company needed independent assessment of opportunity: current technologies, air framer evaluation criteria, feedback on proposed design; addressable new and retrofit programs, market strategy. Detailed insights from key SMEs at Airbus, Boeing, Sikorsky, others, to support recommendations on business potential, growth, plan/recommended steps for success.

Electro-Optical Imaging, Motion Control-Unmanned Platforms-Global Strategy
Company seeking to expand business in US, UK, Germany, France, Israel unmanned, naval, related programs. Assignment gathered detailed insights from key SMEs, identified, researched major opportunities, timing, opportunity potential, narrowing to 17 recommended pursuits, including competitive intel, capture strategy recommendations.

Fighter Aircraft System Upgrade, Price to Win, Competition, Capture Support
Military aircraft communication company pursuing contract to upgrade F-class aircraft for Homeland security missions. Not the incumbent, anxious to secure strategic position, company needed outside guidance for successful proposal. Custom research project analyzed past relevant competitions, direct engagement relevant suppliers, and subject matter experts on key topics, delivering critical incremental data, guidance which improved company capture team ability to prepare winning proposal, setting stage for future successes, other relevant platforms.

Naval Guns, Missile Launchers, Related Solutions Global Growth Assessment
Client providing design, development, production, through-life support, upgrades-concerned about accuracy internal sales plan (many field changes). Independent analysis 20 top country addressable programs. Supporting secondary data, primary in-depth research with relevant suppliers, MoDs, other SMEs to supplement data. Multiple spreadsheets summarizing top platforms, weapon system pursuits, all supporting data, detailed strategic overview presentation, recommendation.

Naval Gas Turbine Supplier-New Growth Strategies
Marine gas turbine engines (compact, lightweight) for propulsion, ship service generators, seeking to grow in response to naval ships demanding more power (weapons, radar, other systems), ship alterations. Assignment involved in-depth research with USN, shipyards, current power suppliers, assessment of opportunity, options, growth potential, recommended steps for success.

Auxiliary Power Solutions-Naval Weapons, Undersea Warfare, Torpedoes, UAVs/UUVs
Custom lithium-ion battery supplier (high power density, lightweight, long-duration solutions) seeking growth in onboard power at sea market (emergency backup, lighting, engine starting, auxiliary systems). Project assessed opportunities in multiple segments, in-depth research with key SMEs, market size (#battery packs consumed annually, dollar value), existing and new program opportunities, funding levels, participating OEMs, current suppliers (pack assemblers, cell suppliers, internal development), competition (lithium, nickel, alkaline, lead acid), detailed recommendation, market strategy.

Naval Shipbuilder-New Power and Integration Solutions-Growth Strategy Research
Considering opportunity to broaden business in ship power and integration, this naval shipbuilder required independent market research on new growth potential, tailored directly to its unique interests. Assignment relied heavily on in-depth feedback from current naval integrators, US Navy program, research managers, other shipbuilders. Major topics: current solutions, drivers for change, future ship design implications, USN interest, adoption, fleet implementation timetable, key challenges, what will provide a real advantage vs. current suppliers? Project enabled company to objectively assess opportunity, determine specific actions it should take.

Positioning Technology-Unmanned, Offshore Survey, Heavy Equipment Installation, Logistics Support
Industry leader in oceanographic instrumentation, undersea sensor solutions, ROVs, for defense, security, ports, harbors, civil government, ocean science, commercial O&G. Seeking new growth in positioning solutions (high-performance, low logistics) for networked undersea, mid/deep water survey, construction, installation. Assignment assembled select secondary data, subject matter expert input, allowing company to make informed decisions on designs, pricing, forecast, financial plan. Project also identified specific prospect opportunities willing to deploy, test company new solutions.

Navy Ship-Propulsion System Upgrade-Price to Win, Competitive Analysis, Capture Strategy
Aero-derivative gas turbine engine company with key positions on Navy fast patrol boats, fast attack craft, corvettes, hovercrafts pursuing a new naval ship program opportunity, needed outside assessment. Project involved independent analysis of competitors, major shipyards bidding, Navy evaluation criteria and scoring. Research assembled direct input from NAVSEA planning, procurement, contracting personnel, other critical experts. Final report included a detailed capture strategy recommendation, price-to-win calculation, all instrumental company's success in winning this competitive pursuit

European Market Opportunity Assessment-Military Communications Solutions
Communication, navigation systems, support services supplier for Navy, Army, Air Force needed a full refresh of top program opportunities in key European countries (including NATO) across both protected and competitive upcoming procurements. Key research emphasis was on high-potential opportunities, identifying capture strategies for company air, ground, maritime HF, V/UHF, SATCOM, Datalink solutions. Research involved extensive, direct feedback from key experts at MODs, defense contractors, NATO offices plus fresh insight into major competitor offerings, changing strategies, implications. Final report included 15 specific recommendations that ultimately enabled company to restage its European sales direction toward critical new areas which it previously had not emphasized.